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Leaving Fiji





























You should arrange with FEA to take meter readings and to prepare a final electricity invoice as close as possible to the time when you leave your house.  You should go to Telecom as close as possible to the time you leave your house – they can produce an up-to-date invoice on the spot.  Make sure you give copies of the receipts to your landlord so that there is no confusion over what your last payments cover.


Bond Deposits

Be sure to recover the bond on your rented house or apartment as well as any deposits for items such as bottled water bottles, cooking gas bottles, utilities (mobile phone/ TFL landline) etc.


Garage Sale advertisements can be distributed through the UN LESA googlegroups email:


International Moving Companies

Although there are several companies, most ex-pats choose Williams and Gosling (80-82 Harris Road, Ph: 331-2633). W&G is the most reputable one for reliable packing and shipping.



Make sure you sell goods far enough in advance of your departure so that there is time for cheques to be cleared before closing your account.  Closing your ANZ bank account is straight forward.  Restrictions on taking money out of the country.



Check the expiry dates of UNLP and national passports for all family members.  Passports should have at least six months’ validity.  If applying for new passports, make sure there is enough time prior to your departure date for processing to take place!


Post Office Box

Don't forget to close this if you have one.


Selling Your Car

Allow plenty of time for this! See 'Selling a Car' in the Cars chapter for more details.



Some souvenirs, such as shells, need to have an Export Permit from the Ministry of Fisheries before being packed.  You should take any items in question (your packers will insist on this if you don’t have the required approval) to the Ministry of Fisheries who will provide the Export Permit.



Clothes and other items can be donated to the Salvation Army (Central Office, MacGregor Rd).

by Mary-Ann Schreiner

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